Sunday, August 21, 2011

Proof that Dyslexics Are Extraordinary in Their Talents

First off, I will dare say that dyslexia is not the end of someone's dream. I prefer to see it as a way to prune these extraordinary individuals to heighten their uniqueness in the face of an obstacle. (see meaning of Dyslexia here.)

Here are the lists of dyslexic people who refused to have dyslexia hold them down, instead it strengthened their resolve to achieve their dreams, knowing that they had a disadvantage. Click the names to go to their stories about their condition as dyslexics.

Orlando Bloom

John Lennon

Leonardo Da Vinci

nelson  rockefeller Nelson Rockefeller - As a lad of nine, he did not know the letters of the alphabet. He was thought of as dull and backward. He entered Davidson College but his grades were mediocre.

Famous People with the Dyslexia Cher - one famous dyslexic women - This famous entertainer has achieved success in tow major fields of entertainment. But because of a math learning disability, she has a challenge with remembering phone numbers and balancing a checkbook.

thomas edison Thomas Edison - His teacher though him to be mentally ill. His mother withdrew the child from school and taught him herself.

frank wollworth Famous Dyslexics, Famous People with Dyslexia, Famous People with Learning Disabilities F.W. Woolworth - As a child he was labeled as slow.

george patton George Patton - When he was twelve years old, he could not read yet and he remained deficient in reading all his life. However, he could memorize entire lectures, which was how he got through school.

walt disney Walt Disney - Fired from the Kansas City newspaper for not being creative and was told that he will never become a good cartoonist, he was also labeled as slow as a child.

Winston Churchill - This statesman could be called academically disadvantage. He failed grade eight, did terrible in math and generally hated school.

woodrow wilson Woodrow Wilson - He had great difficulty in reading: in fact, throughout his life, he was unable to read well. Despite this, he was extremely successful in politics.

Albert Einstein - He could not talk until the age of four. He did not learn to read until he was nine. His teachers considered him slow, unsociable and a dreamer. He failed the entrance examinations to college but finally passed the after an additional year of preparation. He lost three teaching positions and then became a patent clerk.

hans c anderson Hans Christian Anderson - Had difficulty in reading and writing but for years people have cherished his wonderful stories. famous people with dyspraxia

tom cruise Tom Cruise and dyslexia - Despite being a success in his chosen field, this entertainer can learn lines only by listening to a tape.

agtha christie Agatha Christie - Had a learning disability called dysgraphia, which prevented an understood or legible written work. As a result, all material had to be dictated to a typist/transcriptionist.

For more lists, click here

The above examples of the successful people have shown great strength in character to overcome their obstacles. But unfortunately, not all dyslexic individuals turn out to be like them. Early on, they encounter people who label them harshly.

Please remember, before judging other people and brand them as stupid, check yourself first. Who knows, one day, he/she could turn out to be the next big person in history? Wouldn't it be lovely to be counted as one of his/her friends?

We are all equals in this world.  Each one has his own uniqueness.

"Live and let live"